Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

Fabricate Terror


By: Haron Nawabi

he Media has a way of portraying a terrorist as an Islamic fundamentalist who envies the rights and freedoms given to those who live in America. I want you to diminish the subliminal and commercial images in you brain and open mindfully read this passage. The definition of a terrorist is someone who is someone who causes terror upon others. A suicide bomber driving a car into an embassy is not the only form of terrorism. There is a man whose face is hidden from the public. This man can be serving the Legislative branch of our government. It could be a guy in living in a big white house. There is even a chance that this man can be your neighbor, but you will never know.

Islam. What are the first images that enter your brain? You instantly picture a man with a beard and vile facial expressions, women are fully veiled, and children are held against their will, countries that are going through economic drought and a system with laws that defy humanity. A misinterpreted idea implanted in your brain.

Terrorism in the Middle East is NOT BASED ON RELIGION. It is based on an interpretation of a religion. Interpretation is dependant on mentality. Your mentality is influenced by your surroundings. In a way it is also manipulated by politics. A cycle of pessimism controls the lands to due to its recent history.

Before the crusades, the Islamic empire was the most advanced and intellectual region of their time. They brought the first hospitals, mathematical methods/formulas, architecture, first medicines, even the first documented philosophy for feminism. After the crusades, the European empires went through an era of Enlightenment and Renaissance. They discovered through the crusades that they were far behind due to the power of the Catholic Church. The people with in their hemisphere were still in denial over the solar system. History books claim that they inherit most of their ideas from Asia and Africa because the trade routes in the Middle East. They refuse to acknowledge what ideas were adopted from the Middle East.

Most of the theories on medicine were gained from the Middle East. John Locke was a well known philosopher whose idea strongly influenced the constitution of our country. His belief in liberty, pursuit of property, and right to replace government with a new one came from The Ottoman Empire. The empire’s economy was weakened from alternate sea routes through The New World and Asia. The Middle East was politically influenced by manipulation from intimidation tactics formed after the crusades. There were new forms of technology and a completely different age that neglected the Middle East. The Middle East’s influence on the world slowly vanished.

Through out the age of imperialism through the end of the cold war the Middle East grew a passionate form of hatred towards the super powers of the world. Greed from foreign occupation and political influence, the Middle East suddenly grew to understand the reality of their situation. Iran’s government was manipulated for oil, Saudi Arabia still holds a grudge on England from previous history, the issues in Palestine, Egypt was fooled into debt from France for the construction of the Suez Canal, Afghanistan was used by America, etc… Islam promotes a concept of brotherhood that brings them together, but the outcome can never become positive when you approach an issue negatively. They justify every action with religion, but their laws are in reality constructed by POLITICS.

Mullahs in Islamic governments have gained much power. Many people perceived the corruption of a capitalistic society around liberalism. Eventually people saw the liberal lifestyle as an opposition of Islam, but modernization would have never existed if it weren’t for the Islamic Empires. Remember, religion is based on interpretation but politics formed it into a tool used to control their people. There is a cycle of pessimistic philosophies that are easily influenced. The chaos with in the areas of the Middle East can be repaired if ignorance is demolished, but it is difficult when most of the people are very emotional. Aristotle was the one who stated the emotions overrides logic.

The ignorance of a manipulated soldier part of Al Queda no different then the intellectual limitation conveyed with in the minds of U.S troops. This does not include the lower class citizens who need financial security. Then again, most of the soldiers’ part of both sides has suffered from poverty. Both believe they should die for a cause that does not exist. The leaders from both militant forces are rich executives. For example Osama and Bush, Osama is a billionaire and Bush is strongly connected with oil industries. Their “rivalry” was sparked by business, but the media makes it appear like we are defending freedom. These are same tactics used to fabricate the cold war.

They are referred to as “terrorist”. Terrorism is the idea of causing terror. America is the number one supplier of manufactured weaponry in the entire world. Some times, you have to look at a complex issue in the simplest forms to establish an opinion. We prohibit the idea of countries creating weapons of mass destruction. Iran is a threat to us, but we will not tolerate those creating weapons. If you look at this conflict in Iran’s perspective, you will see the hypocrisy. America has numerous weapons of mass destruction. Iran wants only two, but their scrutinized from just the THOUGHT of using one WHEN WE HAVE ALREADY DESIGNATED SEVERAL DESTRUCTIVE WEAPONS. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, villages in Afghanistan, areas with in Iraq, etc…

Issues must be seen from every angle of the problem. Perception is a fundamental principle towards intelligence and the greatest enemy of ignorance.Look beyond what you hear from the media. Allow the voices of the deceased (whose lives and human rights have been neglected) to echo in your search for the truth. The truth is hidden, but it is not lost. There is only one purpose of the passage and that is to encourage you to READ!

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